Hello Students, Watch this video. This is the exercise for the Inner Circle of this week.

And it’s different from anything we have done thus far. Today, we will be creating a puzzle that needs to be unpuzzled.

The base project can be found at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/458747235/. Remix this project to create the puzzles. And do share the puzzle with your friends and see the magic.


Spread the love


  1. oss&tejaswini

    https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/466781839 sir here is an another project made by oss&tejaswini please give your feed back on it

  2. lakshay gupta


    sir I am Lakshay Gupta
    Sir this an advanced project of MAZE GAME with three levels !!

  3. lakshay gupta


    sir this is an advanced project of Maze game with three levels !!

  4. Akshat Mittal

    Sir this the project which i made as an enhancement even before the exercise came(fun fact), here I have also changed somethings like u told last time about seeing the maze, all instructions related to that are in the instructions panel, sir i didnt change it to cat as it was not working in the circular maze so i left it to ball only, I didnt use a proper win or lose screen coz i already had it in my original project ( the text that grows and fades ) , I already made a timer in that in the original with the miliseconds also

    • maninder

      Akshat: This is much beyond the call of duty. how did you show that timer with 5 Mins thing?
      Also, any specific reason for making the maze into a sprite and not a backdrop?

      • Akshat Mittal

        Thank you so much sir, sir i actually converted the timer into a variable but i wanted to show till only 2 decimal spaces, and 100 has 2 zeroes so i used the formula and did. Yes sir there is a very big reason for it: we cannot move the backdrop but we can move the sprite and my game is to be scrolling so i actually zoomed into it and moved so it seemed like scrolling, Also sir if you see the coding for me level it is very small coz it will follow the x, scroll x, y , scroll y variables which will be defined in the ball according to its movement


    Sir,this is my cat in maze project please give a valubale feedback

    • maninder

      Shaurya – Absolutely bang on
      Not just the program, but the music also
      a program, is not just a code, but an experience you offer. This was truly rocking

      • Akshat Mittal

        Thank you so much sir, sir i actually converted the timer into a variable but i wanted to show till only 2 decimal spaces, and 100 has 2 zeroes so i used the formula and did. Yes sir there is a very big reason for it: we cannot move the backdrop but we can move the sprite and my game is to be scrolling so i actually zoomed into it and moved so it seemed like scrolling, Also sir if you see the coding for me level it is very small coz it will follow the x, scroll x, y , scroll y variables which will be defined in the ball according to its movement


        Thanks a lot sir for your feedback

  6. Priya Agrawal

    Cat in the Maze Project with some enhancements suggested in the video.

  7. TejasKarthick

    Cat in Maze project by Tejas Karthick. T

    • maninder

      Amazing Tejas
      Really liked the cat dropping the bread crumps
      Also, didn’t get the table that comes in the end.
      Whats that?

      • TejasKarthick

        Thank you sir!!!
        The end table is supposed to show in which position you were in a specific time like you were on
        39 x 90 y 40 means the first number (39) shows the time remaining in seconds and the second is the X
        position (90)(Length) and the third is the Y position (40)(breadth)
        39 x 90 y 40 = (time),(x position),(y position) of cat in the maze

  8. Dibyashree

    https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/452573919/ sir my hearts project pls chk

  9. Dibyashree

    https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/453229962/editor/ sir todays exercise pls chk

    • TejasKarthick

      I think you enhanced sir’s project but forgot to click on the remix button, pls click on it in sir’s project and code it again then send the link

      • Priya Agrawal

        Yeah you are exactly right! She has done that only she forgot to click “Remix Button” and now she have to code it again. 🙁

    • maninder

      Your friends are right, you will have to remix and then code.
      Kindly reinvent the wheel again

  10. Dibyashree

    sir how to make it bounce ????


    Sir this is my bouncing comet project , kindly give feedback

    • maninder

      Amazing Shaurya, Works perfectly. But I am wondering, what is that blank If statement doing there???

  12. TejasKarthick

    Sir, this is my Kaizen Inner Circle exercise. Please give your valuable feedback

    • maninder

      Tejas, Amazing. Truly rocking!!! How did you create the trace effect in the ball?
      I have some issues with how you are changing the direction of the ball. I see you have put a lot of effort in doing that. Isn’t the logic the same as -1 X direction? Which might not always be the best logic, though it will work to some extent always

      • TejasKarthick

        Thank you sir, I have changed the logic now and now works even better than before.
        I created the trace effect using clones sir

  13. Dibyashree

    https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/446822264/ sir this my kic project on bouncing comet.

    • maninder

      Dibyashree – you are a rockstar. Everything about you carries your stamp.
      Just add one thing. When Star hits the planet, it should bounce. Rest is good

  14. Priya Agrawal

    Thanks sir for your feedback. Now it’s bouncing.

    • maninder

      Great Priya
      It works
      Especially liked the logic around playing sound randomly
      The code of make it bounce is more complex than it should be
      Will explain on Wednesday

      • Priya Agrawal

        oh, okay. Thanks for the feedback. Without that code it was repeating 6-7 times (sound and colour), even after putting repeat 1. So it forced me to use such complex logic. 🙂 🙁

  15. Ahana Goel

    Sir this is my bouncing comet project below


    • maninder

      Interesting motion Ahana. A couple of things
      1. Ball doesn’t bounce off when it touches the planet, it should
      2. ball should bounce when it touches the edges. it changes direction before that also
      But really liked that both the planets make different sound when comet touches them

  16. Priya Agrawal

    This is my Kaizen Inner Circle Exercise!
    Sir please give your valuable feedback.

    • maninder

      Priya, all good. But the ball doesnt bounce off when it hits the planet. Make it bounce


    sir its going to be very exiting

  18. Priya Agrawal

    Sir when will you give next exercise?

  19. Priya Agrawal

    sir this msg is for replying to ur feedback, i have 2 queries:-
    1. i also noticed that, but its hitting automatically star shouldn’t be shrinked because we have to hit it manually then only it will be decreased otherwise we will win automatically without doing any work. Pls explain me why according to you its opposite?

    2. 1 error is there from the starting, the error is that when we continuously do mouse down on the star it shrinks completely, infact it should shrink only 1 time i.e. -10, other students projects as I saw this error doesn’t persists, I tried many ways to fix it but none is working.

    Can you pls help me to fix it without changing the whole logic?

  20. Raghav Kedia

    Good morning sir,
    Myself Raghav Kedia,
    Sir my projectof inner circle is automatic and it does not follows the mouse click system
    But if you want me to do it with the mouse click system I will do the whole thing again

  21. Raghav Kedia

    Good afternoon sir,
    Myself Raghav Kedia,
    Sir the link below is that of The Inner Circle Exercise,
    Please give your feedback and tell if it needs any improvements


    Sir this is my thor hammer project , kindly give your feedback

  23. Dibyashree

    https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/440540371/ sir this is my project stars

  24. Vihan Dhamecha

    Sir I have made A Thor hammer game :- https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/440502441/

    • maninder

      Very nice. Great job Vihan.
      I believe If statement can something apart from red color. Check Priya’s code. She has put very nice logic into this. its even better than mine


    Stop planets exploding project by Tejas Karthick. T
    Sir please give your valuable feedback for my inner circle project

    • maninder

      Wow. Only when I think I have thought through everything, Tejas, comes up with his Gobo.
      Amazing code
      better than mine for sure. Keep rocking!!!

  26. Priya Agrawal

    this is my KIC Project.
    sir now i have started loosing my interest in scratch tough i m always excited for Friday Project, but now i have 95% lost my interest, i don’t know why.

    • maninder

      Explore the world of web. that’s an unending world

    • maninder

      We might have something to get your interest back
      wait for a week, maybe two

    • Priya Agrawal


    • maninder

      Very interesting. An exemplary piece of code.
      One disconnect – Hammer is hitting automatically, without pressing the mouse
      And when it is hitting automatically, then it’s not shrinking the star
      Either it should not hit automatically, but if it’s hitting automatically, then it should shrink the star

      • Priya Agrawal

        Thank You Sir! i also noticed that, but its hitting automatically star shouldn’t be shrinked because we have to hit it manually then only it will be decreased otherwise we will win automatically without doing any work. Pls explain me why according to you its opposite?


    Shaurya vyas this is my Planet numeria project
    sir please give your feedback

  28. Raavi 3-C

    https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/434989450 Sir, this is my project, code is not the same but it acts the same way

  29. Jayani Prusty(Grade 4th)

    hello sir ,
    This is jayani Prusty tried my project work . please give me your feedback.
    https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/435651579/. thank you.

  30. Hridam Jain

    Monster From Planet Numeria Attacks The Earth
    By Hridam Jain

  31. oss vasishta

    https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/434390755 sir here is my inner circle project please give your feedback sir

  32. Dibyashree Mohapatra(Class 4)

    I MEAN TO SAY https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/434381280/ SIR THIS IS MY PROJECT SAVE THE EARTH FROM ALEIN OF NUMERIA PLANET.
    https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/434039504/ SIR AND THIS IS MY PROJECT DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO OBJECTS.

  33. Dibyashree

    https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/434381280/ SIR THIS IS MY SAVE THE EARTH FROM ALEIN OF NUMERIA PLANET.

  34. vedant

    sir this is vedant here is the link for the inner circle exercise pls give your feedback

  35. vedant

    sir this is vedant here is the link for the inner circle exercise pls give your feedback


    Sir this is my Inner circle project

  37. Priya Agrawal

    kaizen inner circle (KIC) project with some enhancements. 🙂
    This time i m late to submit it because there was my online class from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM without any break. And at 4:30 another will start and all will end at 9:20 so i have made the project now, pls give ur feedback. Thanks!

  38. Hridam Jain

    Sir can you give the link for Disco Rings Video

  39. Rishabh Gupta

    Sir my scratch project 🙂

  40. Jayani prusty( 4 th grade)

    Hello sir this is jayani have done the birthday wishes to my mam pls do check and give your feedback.

    • maninder

      Thats so cute Jayani.
      Can you share the reaction of madam, when you showed her this



  42. Rida Khan


    • maninder

      Almost there Rida. When arrow hits the monster, monster is not disappearing

  43. Rida Khan

    Please give feedback this is my inner circle exercise

  44. Gunn Saluja

    Hello Everyone
    Good Evening Sir
    This side Gunn Saluja


    I am sharing a link of my studio .
    There I have alowed you all to add projects and discusse and create Some projects .
    Every thing about the group is mentioned in the description.
    I request you all to join me .

  45. Mannat Arora

    Sir please give feedback for the same.

  46. Anshita Mohapatra class 5

    https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/430612160/ simon says by Anshita


    Sir, I have corrected by project of Simon says as per your feedback of earlier, please give a look & provide your feedback.—- Shaurya.

  48. Mannat Arora

    This is the project I made myself – https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/430604668
    This is the project we did in the class – https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/430630892

  49. Priya Agrawal

    sir i have hidden the code in my project so no one can see it. 🙂
    if u wanna see then scroll it as much as possible, the code is in Avery sprite.



  51. Priya Agrawal

    sir i have added 1 extra backdrop with my writing.
    pls check this i sent on 25 Sep, there was no feedback so i m sending again. 🙂

  52. Shritha

    The Simon says project👆
    Sir the projects of the previous exercise was sent by me in this website but there was no response so I am sending it again-
    Classroom sums👆
    Ping pong ball 👆
    Sir please give your feedback

  53. Shritha

    The ‘Simon says’ project👆
    Sir the projects of the previous exercise was sent by me in this website but there was no response so I am sending it again-
    Classroom sums🖕
    Ping pong ball🖕

  54. Shritha

    The Simon says project👆
    Sir the projects of the previous exercise was sent by me in this website but there was no response so I am sending it again-
    Classroom sums🖕
    Ping pong ball🖕

  55. Shritha

    Sir here’s my Simon says project 👆
    Please check it and give your feedback
    Sir I sent the projects of ping pong ball and class room sums once in this website but there was no feedback from you so I am sending it again.
    Classroom sums👆
    Ping pong ball👆

    • maninder

      1. Must appreciate all the hard work put in
      2. It is speaking activities in a particular order. The exercise is to randomise it.
      3. One game per post please, otherwise it goes in spam 🙁

      • Shritha

        Ok sir I will change it
        Sir I sent a message but it’s not showing that the message is sent it’s just refreshing the page but is not showing the message which I have sent

  56. Gaurish Bassi

    my project on simon says

  57. Gunn Saluja

    Sir the above one is my ping pong project
    Sir I am sharing from 25 and there was no feedback So I am sending it again.
    Sir please give a feedback now.
    Hope you will like

  58. Priya Agrawal

    sir i have added 1 extra backdrop with my writing.

    • Priya Agrawal

      sir pls see this.

      • maninder

        1. Works perfectly – Where is the code – Couldnt find in sprite or Backdrop???
        2. If every sentence starts with Simon says, then where is fun in the game 🙂

  59. Ayansh Kesharwani

    Sir My Let’s Dance !!!!!! Project- https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/428585737/fullscreen/


    • maninder

      Very nice Ayansh
      Is it possible that when one person is dancing, others stop

    • maninder

      This thread is only for Inner Circle exercises. Any other project, please share in other threads

    • maninder

      Hello Ayansh. Suggest we keep this thread for only Inner Circle Fortnightly exercises. Anything else, we can discuss in other threads

  60. Akshat Mittal

    Akshat Mittal

    • maninder

      Yes Akshat!!!
      I was waiting for you
      You are back with a bang

      • Akshat Mittal

        THANK U SIR, sir actually now i will post projects with long time intervals becs i am working on very advanced projects currently under progress is “1-1 chatting platform”

  61. Vihan Dhamecha

    Sir simon says Game

    • maninder

      Must appreciate the colorful nature of the project
      One big issue which needs to be corrected – there is no need for any question in this project
      Just remove all the questions and share again

  62. oss vasishta

    https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/429635316 sir here is my kaizen innercircle project plese give your feedback sir

    • maninder

      Bingo OSS
      You can items to the list by importing also
      But this is also good
      The most efficient code!!!

  63. Priya Agrawal

    sir i have fixed the error of speaking any random activity as u told pls check and give ur feedback for improving.

  64. Priya Agrawal

    sir when u will check our other projects? that we send on 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 Sep 2020…



  66. Ayansh Kesharwani

    Sir my Daily Routine Project Please Give me the feedback- https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/429262238/

    • maninder

      1. Must appreciate the effort being put
      2. There is no need to ask the question – the game is only telling us what to do
      3. The sequence has to be random – this is not a random sequence.

      Put some more thought. You will crack it

  67. Pranav Gupta

    Hello sir my name is rishabh gupta and i am sharing my scratch project through my brother id and his name is pranav gupta

    • maninder

      Pranav – must appreciate
      Short, crisp, to the point
      Just that the code of adding to the list can be outside the loop


    Simon says by Tejas Karthick. T
    Sir I have done the inner circle exercise
    Please give feedback

  69. Priya Agrawal

    Ok sir, thanks for letting me know my mistake, i have corrected it pls check and give ur valuable feedback.

  70. Gunn Saluja

    Good Morning Sir
    I have completed the project of SIMON SAYS
    here’s the link of same
    Please give feedback on this project as well as the PING PONG one.

  71. Priya Agrawal

    who is Simon? sir pls brief me about simon. i never heared Simon assistant before seeing ur video.

  72. Priya Agrawal

    this is my inner circle exercise

  73. Gunn Saluja

    Sir please post the inner circle exercise.

  74. Gunn Saluja

    Sir , This is my project of Ping Pong Game.
    Sir , I have also shared on whatsapp.

    • Gunn Saluja

      Sir pls reply on my project of Ping Pong Ball its not that you gave but a little interesting

  75. Shritha

    Classroom sums
    Ping pong ball
    Sir I sent it once in this website but there was no reply so I am sending it again

  76. Shritha

    Classroom sums
    Ping pong ball
    Sir I sent it once in this website but there was no reply so I am sending again

  77. Avni Sharma

    Here is my project:


    Sorry, if it dosen’t work

  78. vedant

    hello sir this is vedant i have done the ping pong game pls do check and give your feedback

  79. Ranjitham

    Sir, this is the ball simulator by Tejas Karthick. T

  80. Ranjitham

    Sir, This is Addition with levels by Tejas Karthick. T https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/424672358

  81. kaizen

    Addition with Level of Difficulty, Kaizen Exercise

  82. Madhumitha M

    Sir this my slider ball game https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/424587752


    Sir , this is my project of slider ball game, please provide your feedback.


    Sir this is my project of slider ball game ,please provide your feedback

  85. vedant bherwani

    hello sir this is vedant i have done the ping pong game pls do check and give your feedback

  86. Vihan Dhamecha

    Sir I am Vihan I have done This pong project

  87. Priya Agrawal

    Amazing and logical project sir, loved it!

  88. Priya Agrawal

    Amazing and logical project sir, loved it!

  89. Priya Agrawal

    Ball Speed Game

    Addition with Level of Difficulty, but this program don’t works. I m not getting how correct my errors.

  90. swetha shri.c

    sir really awesome loved it i am swetha

  91. Abhinav Ghadai

    Good and nice project sir

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