Watch the video given below and then answer the questions



Q1 – How many utensils are there in the picture?

Q2 – What is the boy in the picture holding?

Q3 – What did the boy go to the jungle for?

Q4 – What did the tree promise to give to the boy in exchange for not cutting its branches?


Q5 – What did the tree shower the boy with, after it got angry?

Q6 – The tree gave the boy 7 apples. Suppose, after the boy’s request the tree gave him another 7 apples. How many apples did the boy have now? 


Q7 – Suppose the boy got 2 apples from the tree. He sold one apple for Rs. 5 and the other apple for Rs. 7. Then how much money did the boy make?












A1 – 5 – Jug, Glass, Bowl, Plate and spoon.

A2 – Dessert. 

A3 – Firewood.

A4 – The Golden Apples

A5 – Needles

A6 – 14 (7+7)

A7 – 12 (5+7)


Activity time – Let’s explore the garden.


Go to the back side of your house where the garden or the flower pots are. Find out what different kinds of plants are there. Notice the shape and the colour of the leaves of the plants. What do you notice?


Happy Learning

Kaizen MicroLessons

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One Comment

  1. Taarunya

    Answered all the questios correctly

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