Watch the video given below and then answer the questions



Nursery/LKG (Q# 1-3)


Q1 – Who do you see in the image given below?


Q2 – What are the monkeys carrying in their hands?


Q3 – What is the colour of the bamboo stick?


LKG/UKG (Q# 4-5)


Q4 – Count the number of monkeys in the image given below:



Q5 – How do you spell the number 14?


UKG/1st (Q# 6-7)


Q6 – Which word is not like the others? (Odd one out)


– Teacher

– Duster

– King

– Bench


Q7 – Fix the mistakes with uppercase and lowercase letters.


– Today, i and monika are going out for dinner.


Activity Time

Take the help of your parents and find out two or three amazing facts about bamboos.












A1 – The lake monster.


A2 – The monkeys are carrying a bamboo stick.


A3 – Green.


A4 – 9.


A5 – 14 is written as ‘Fourteen’.


A6 – The word ‘King’ is no like the others. You can find all the other things in your calssroom.


A7 – The correct sentence is


­- Today, I and Monika are going out for dinner.

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