Watch the video given below and then answer the questions
Nursery/LKG (Q# 1-3)
Q1 – Name the fruit that you see in the picture.
Q2 – Name at least three things that are rectangular shaped and you can find them in your house.
Q3 – What is the colour of the bus and the car?
LKG/UKG (Q# 4-5)
Q4 – What do people wear on their eyes to see properly and also to protect their eyes?
Q5 – Which of these ladies is wearing spectacles on her eyes – left, middle or right?
UKG/1st (Q# 6-7)
Q6 – Un-jumble the words. Hint: They are the names of the shapes.
Q7 – If it your birthday today, then how many months later will you birthday fall again?
Activity Time – Let’s explore shapes.
Find out at least three things in your home that are square in shape.
A1 – It is a watermelon.
A2 – TV, Fridge, and Mobile phone
A3 – The bus is yellow in colour and the car is red.
A4 – Spectacles or glasses.
A5 – The one in the left.
A6 – The shapes are as follows:
A7 – After exactly 12 months.
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