Watch the video given below and then answer the questions : —



Nursery/LKG (Q# 1-3)

Q1 – Name the animal that you see in the image below.



Q2 – Which animal is called the king of the jungle?



Q3 – What is a female lion called?



LKG/UKG (Q# 4-5)

Q4 – On which side of the image do you see the jackal?


Q5 – Where is the lion standing?


UKG/1st (Q# 6-7)

Q6 – Which month comes after the month of October?



Q7 – There are 7 pigs in the jungle. The lion ate 2 of them. How many pigs are left in the jungle?



Activity Time

Take the help of your parents and find out some interesting facts about jackals.















A1 – It is a lion.

A2 – The lion is called the king of the jungle.

A3 – It is called a lioness.

A4 – The fox is on the right side of the image.

A5 – The lion is standing on the river bank.

A6 – The month of November.

A7 – 7 – 2 = 5 pigs.

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