Watch the video given below and then answer the questions




Q1 – Name all that you see in the pic.


Q2 – Name the animals that you see in the image. 



Q3 – What is the place, where you keep the chickens, called?


Q4 – Where did the farmer hide the magic pot?


Q5 – Un-jumble the following words. Hint: You’ll find all these in your house

  • ICER

Q6 – If the farmer put 1 rupee in the pot and got Rs. 5 back from it. Then, how much money will he get if he puts Rs. 3 in the pot?

Q7 – If the cost of 1 kg mango was 40 rupees and the cost of 1 kg apples was 30 rupees. Then how much money did the farmer earn if he sold 1 kg mangos and 1 kg apples?


Activity Time – 


Reach to your kitchen and list down the names of three pulses that you eat. 













A1 – Window, pillow, bed, dustbin, almirah. wall, tree, bushes. 


A2 – 2 cows and one rooster (mature male chicken).


A3 – The place is called a ‘Chicken Coop’.


A4 – He hid the pot in the cupboard.


A5 – The word are as follows:

  • RICE


A6 – 15 (3X5)


A7 – 70 (40X1 = 40 + 30×2=30. Therefore, 40+30=70)


Happy Learning

Kaizen MicroLessons

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