Watch the video given below and then answer the questions



Nursery/LKG (Q# 1-3)

Q1 – Name the animal that you see in the image below.



Q2 – Which animal do you see in the image below?


Q3 – Which animal do you see in the image below?


LKG/UKG (Q# 4-5)

Q4 – What is a baby deer called?


Q5 – How do you write 84 in words?


UKG/1st (Q# 6-7)

Q6 – Find the articles in the sentence below.

– The rabbit was running.


Q7 – There were 20 apples on a tree. It the monkey ate 10 apples and then how many were left on the tree?


Activity Time – Let’s explore shapes today.

Write down the names of at least 5 things that are round in shape.











A1 – It is a mouse.

A2 – It is a rabbit.

A3 – It is a deer.

A4 – It is called a fawn.

A5 – 84 is written as Eighty Four in words.

A6 – The article in the given sentence is ‘The”.

A7 – 20 – 10 = 10 apples

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