Watch the video given below and then answer the questions : —



Nursery/LKG (Q# 1-3)

Q1 – Name the animal that you see in the image below.



Q2 – What is the house in the image made of?


Q3 – What colour is the goat?


LKG/UKG (Q# 4-5)

Q4 – How many goats do you see in the image below?


Q5 – How many more bells are required for them to be equal to the number of cows?


UKG/1st (Q# 6-7)

Q6 – Complete the number series.

– 4, 8, 12, __, 20, 24, __, 32, 36, __, 44



Q7 – If there are 7 goats in the house and the wolf ate 4, then how many goats are left?



Activity Time

Take the help of your parents and find out some interesting facts about goats.















A1 – It is a goat.

A2 – It is made of wood.

A3 – The goat is white in colour.

A4 – 8 goats.

A5 – 2 bells.

A6 – The complete series is:

– 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44

A7 – 7 – 4 = 3 goats.

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