Watch the video given below and then answer the questions : —



Nursery/LKG (Q# 1-3)

Q1 – What do you see in the image below?



Q2 – What shape is the clock in the image below?


Q3 – How many kids do you see in the image below?


LKG/UKG (Q# 4-5)

Q4 – Which game is the kid playing?


Q5 – Who is sitting on the right side of the image – the boy or the girl?


UKG/1st (Q# 6-7)

Q6 – Look at the part underlined in the sentence. Is it the naming part or the action part?

– Grandpa kicked the ball.



Q7 – Which of the following sentences tells you about the past?

(a) She will take flowers to her friend.

(b) She picked up flowers for her friend.



Activity Time

Let’s explore the letter K today. Write down the names of at least 5 things whose name starts with a K.















A1 – It is a clock.

A2 – The clock is round in shape.

A3 – 6 kids.

A4 – The kid is playing cricket.

A5 – The boy is on the right side of the image.

A6 – The part underlined is the action part.

A7 – Option (b) She picked up flowers for her friend, tells us about the past.

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