The first thing that usually crosses an adult’s mind, after a long day, is ‘tea’. You must have seen your parents going for a cup of tea☕ as soon as they enter the home.

Have you ever thought how this ‘take away all my worries’ drink come into existence? Let’s find out.🧐

According to legend, tea was discovered by the Chinese emperor Shen Nung in 2737BC. Legend has it that a tea leaf fell into his hot water and the rest, as they say, is history.😇

Indians were introduced to tea by the Britishers as they brought it in for cultivation. In 1837, the first British-led commercial tea plantation in India was established. Since, then the love for tea has only been increasing.😍

Fun Facts

👉 The average Brit drinks 876 cups of tea every single year – enough to fill two bathtubs.😱

👉 The art of reading tea leaves is called tasseography. (Potterhead alert!!!)

👉 There are different types of tea including black, oolong, green, and white. They all come from the same plant, Camellia sinensis.

👉 It’s also a social drink: 80 percent of office workers say they find out more about what’s going on over a cup of tea than any other way.

👉 For centuries, tea was used only as a medicine. It took almost 3,000 years for it to become an everyday drink.

👉 Indians were taken as tea plantation workers by the British to various countries around the world including Srilanka, Surinam and Trinidad and Tobago.

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  1. Divyakshi


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