Angela pereira (Std 5) : Reach out and touch life

Pranav Sachdeva (Std 9) : Poverty’s other name is complete death

Adhiraj Singh Bagga (Std 6) : Shivering in cold


Sachreet : Winters are arriving🥶❄

Samyan Arora (Std 7) : Justice for everyone

Naeva (Std 9) : A poor person:
“All I need is some kindness and a little help so that I can get through the winter season alive.”

Priyanshi (Std 8) : Chilling down the spine

Arnav Gupta (Std 6): Help the poor or they will shiver in the cold

Anand Raj Singh (Std 9) : “Helpless”

ปั้มไลค์ : Like!! I blog frequently and I really thank you for your content. The article has truly peaked my interest.

Trisha : Please donate…its very cold

Kaustav Singla (Std 6) : I want justice too

Ekta Baphana : I need more blankets. It is freezing cold and it is all because of climate change. The reason of climate change being us humans.

Darpan (Std 4) : God has given us a wonderful life but the poor are living in a black life so we should share everything that we have and receive showers of blessings

Saanvi (Std 6) : Help me it’s very cold .
And that will not be fair enough if we don’t get the same as everyone does.

Asmi Arora (Std 9) : “I have a hope” that one day people of my street will be sleeping at night properly!! Not struggling in this cold!

Aarya Kulkarni (Std 8) : The rich people are buying gold,but. the poor people are living in freezing cold..

Snigdha Sharma (Std 9) : Help the needy one

Muskaan Sharma (Std 8) : Old is suffering with cold

Parth (Std 10) : Dreaming of shelter

Abhinav (Std 9) : The brutality of cold

Surbhi (Std 8) : Furious cold

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