Mansha Malhotra : Hmm their is a tiger with snow that’s strange and their are two snowmen but the tiger has stepped I think it is a real thing happened and I can’t believe that how can anyone click a picture of a tiger
Aarav Shah : Photo please ,say cheese
Aarav Shah : Tiger tring to play with the snowmen
Krishikaa : Snow tiger
Smitakshi Roy : Tiger wants to be a snowman too!
Tanvi : Tiger 🐅 playing in snow with a snow man…
Mahir Agarwal : The tiger 🐯 and the snowman ⛄ are friends!
Aadhya Raghav (std 5) :
Tiger – Hey! Don’t you even dare touch my friends
Human – How did these snowmen become your friends?
Tiger – Actually they didn’t say anything…but they are doing such a nice acting of not moving from their place…after seeing their talent, they have become my best friends now!
Human – 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂…Stupid tiger
Shanaya T (std 1) : I want to give you hug!
Ansh Adiga (std 5) : We are great friends 🐅⛄
Ridhansh Gupta. (std 4) : A tiger in a forest of hilly area. There are two snowman . Tiger wants to be friends with them.
Ankita D Kammath : Tiger and snowman
S.Raaja Sharvani (std 5) : Say cheeze 😆😆
Jaibir singh : Tiger ready for click with snow man…
Vamika : The tiger 🐯 love ‘s snowman ❄️ and they both are best friends.⛄☃️🏔️
Anshita Mohapatra (std 5) : There are two snowmans . Suddenly a tiger comes out of nowhere. He knocks of one of the snowman and sits on it.
⛄Snowman 1:Hey, why did you knock off my friend?
🐯Tiger:No problem, I can be your new friend .
Swetha shri : I thought tiger loves snow mam
Nivitha : Really I thought this
Lakshay gupta : Dare you destroy the snowman or the forest, I will kill you. I am the watchman
Lavanya : Tiger and snowman want to play
Lavanya : Tiger and snowman are good friends😊😊
Jayani prusty (std 4) : Tiger and showman both are friends. Here it’s showing to know everyone should become a frinds
Aahana Mittal (std 3) : Tiger 🐯 too want to become a ☃️ snowman 🌺☺️
Atharv duggal : “The jungle snowman”- Atharv Duggal, kindergarten
Sohan : The tiger is fighting with the snowman
Aahana Mittal (std 3) : Tiger 🐯 too want to become a ☃️ snowman🙂
Kavish Mittal : The snowman is with the tiger 🐯
Aayushi Sharma : tiger is trying to say that don’t cut trees or don’t kill animals
Aayushi Sharma : We are good friends don’t dare to crushing the snowman
Ahana Goel : Wow tiger crushing the snowman and is with a snowman. Truly amazing.