Shabad Preet Kaur (std 2) : Brother ,”when will this Corona will go”.
Brother 2, ” no idea bro, when this pandemic will go”.
Sanjay : They are eating 🐟 🤹
Havala (std 3) : Flamingo blabbering:
Left one : you got fish…!!! let’s fly
Right one: let’s go home and share….😁😁
Aadhya Raghav : Male flamingo : Hey Beauty! Would you like to have a dinner with me?
Female flamingo : Ohh! Why not?
Male flamingo : See! I caught a fish in my mouth.
Female flamingo : Very Good! Now give that fish to me!
Male flamingo : Hey Beauty! Are you okay? You were so humble to me just a few minutes before and now you are….so rude
Female flamingo: I am….so rude because I am not a Beauty! I am a Handsome! Who is your brother…😈😈
The female flamingo…Oh! Sorry, I mean the ” Male flamingo ” took the fish from his brother’s hand and ran away…..🤣🤣
Aadhya Raghav :
Right flamingo : Hey! See I got a fish for us.
Left flamingo : Hey! Will we share the fish?
Right flamingo : Yes….but why? Do you want to eat all the fish?
Left flamingo whispering : Hey! Some days back, when I went to the other lake, I heard that if the flamingoes keep beside what is in their mouths and wish for something they desperately want, their wish will be fulfilled!
Right flamingo : Oh really?
Left flamingo : Yes….
Right flamingo : Then why don’t you do it first and show it to me!
Left flamingo : But I have nothing in my mouth to keep it beside!
Right flamingo : Why don’t you take my fish? But, remember that you will get it only till you show me your magic….
Left flamingo : Okay!
Right flamingo : Take it and show me the trick!
Left flamingo throws the fish in the sky and gulps it.
Right flamingo : Youuu! I will not leave you!
Sanvi Sharma 🎊🎉 : Romantic time and dinner
Janani : Dinner 🍲 time ☺️😋😊.
Aadhya Raghav : Flamingoes are taking food for their children….
Pranav : Right bird-here some fish give it to the babies
Left bird- OK but who will eat it?
Right bird-the kids
Left bird-no! You eat it
Right bird-why?
Left bird because everyone is fasting today hahahaha
Anshita Mohapatra : Two cranes chatting .
Right crane :Nice fish , where are you getting them ?
Left crane:From the fisher man.
Siya Vinod (std 3) : Right bird : ” For you my dear ”
Left bird says ” I am dieting and you are giving me fish !!! ”
Bhavni Dash : Flamingoes
Karanveer : Flamingoes are chatting
Hitansh jain : flamingo gossip
Nyiot chosgyal (std 1) : Flamingo…
Manvita : What should I think of
Karanveer : Flamingo are chatting
Abinithi : Below attached my child name n email.kindly notice it…
Sharma : Water time
Trisha : my name is trisha only renu is my mothers name
Renu Garg : flamingo gossip
My my my when shall we have better food then this .
Ohh all those big days
Right flamingo- hey do you want the fish .
Left flamingo-yes oh yes!😭😭😳😳😛😛😛
Right flamingo- then take it😁😁😁