Watch the video given below and then answer the questions
Nursery/LKG (Q# 1-3)
Q1 – Name the animal that you see in the image below:
Q2 – What is the animal in the image doing?
Q3 – What is a male chicken called? (Hint: Its name has been mentioned in the story)
LKG/UKG (Q# 4-5)
Q4 – What is a female donkey called?
Q5 – Which one is a triangle – left, right or middle?
UKG/1st (Q# 6-7)
Q6 – Which number sentence is true?
– 6 + 5 = 10
– 5 + 5 = 10
– 3 + 4 = 10
Q7 – Answer the riddle.
– I am flat.You can sit on me. You can step on me. What am I?
Activity Time – Let’s explore the letter ‘G’ today
Write down the names of 5 things that start with the letter ‘G’.
A1 – It is a Donkey.
A2 – The animal is grazing.
A3 – A rooster.
A4 – It is called a Jennet or Jenny.
A5 – The one in the middle.
A6 – The correct number sentence is
– 5 + 5 = 10
A7 – I am a mat.