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Kaizen is a Japanese principal which stand for small, continuous and consistent improvement. At Kaizen MicroLessons, we believe the same principles can be applied to the Child’s Learning.
Parent will get 2 small lessons delivered right into the WhatsApp Inbox. Parent can sit with the child for 10-15 minutes every day around the lessons. Child will not only learn 2 new lessons; it will also create beautiful memories or ‘Kaizen Time’ spent together.
The Lessons will be around General Awareness, Language, Social Sciences, Logical Reasoning etc. This enhances child’s inquisitiveness, Logical Reasoning and puts him/her on a path of lifelong learning.
Click on the video below to know more about it
At Kaizen, parent will get 2 Lessons each day delivered right into their WhatsApp account.
These lessons will be age specific and are designed to develop
- Language and Expression
- Logical Reasoning
- Scientific Temper
- Inquisitiveness, to name a few
Also, most of the Lessons come with a video attached. Your child can learn through the video in a more engaging way. How this small video will change your child’s learning trajectory, read the FAQ on ‘Harmful effects of Social Media’?
Social Media harms our child in multiple ways and most of these effects are well documented (Click here to read). One way in which Social Media silently harms is through an extremely dangerous phenomenon called Filter Bubble. You can visit the Wikipedia page or watch a Ted Talk on it.
Social Media platforms which are designed to profile us and show us content which we are more likely to consume. So, if child is watching toons, he/she is shown toons only and if child happens to click on a gaming video, the technology platforms will inundate him/her with gaming videos.
These platforms are typecasting our children and even if their profile of your child is incorrect, they will still make your child into that stereotype by showing that content. This is extremely dangerous for mental development of a child.
But there is a potent weapon in your hand to burst the ‘filter bubble’. And you are holding it.
Kaizen MicroLessons carry a YouTube link in most of the lessons. When you click on these links, not Social Media profiles you as an inquisitive learner and starts showing content accordingly.
It takes 7-10 days for Kaizen Lessons to change YouTube feed of your phone. This radically changes the relation your child has with Social Media. The technology which was harming your child, is not his greatest learning partner.
For more on this, watch the video below