
Welcome to the first session of Android Development Curriculum by Kaizen Lessons. To have fun and build some really cool apps, its important to spend 5 minutes in setting up our systems before the session begins. Just follow these small steps and gear up for App development.

Below are the requirements for the Android Development Session:

  1. Student needs laptop and android device. And both of them should be on the same Wifi network
  2. Student should login (through laptop) with Google account beforehand into http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/
  3. At the start of the session, Student should have logged in with his own account
  4. Install (on your Android Phone) the ‘MIT AI2 Companion’ App from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3&hl=en_IN or just type ‘App Inventor’ on Play Store
  5. Download images (on your laptop) from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1haSPCH9dgEPMfiYkhDFV8GcTzlw9jS3W?usp=sharing

    You will need these before start of the session. The session will be full of fun and learning
Happy Coding and Keep Rocking
Kaizen Lessons